Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A man afraid

I once knew a man who was afraid
He was afraid to love
and he was afraid to confront
He was afraid to move
and he was afraid to groove
He was afraid to give
And he was afraid to live
He was afraid to spend
and he was afraid to himself expend
He was afraid to share
and he was afraid to care
He was afraid to be faithful
He was afraid to be thoughtful
He was afraid to question
and he was afraid to say no
He was afraid to show affection
and he was afraid to show emotion

I once knew a man who was afraid
He was afraid of believing
and he was afraid of receiving
He was afraid of being a father
and he was afraid of his mother
He was afraid of being hurt
and he was afraid of being independent
He was afraid of being a husband
and he was afraid of answers
Indeed He was afraid of any change

And in all his fear he missed out on life
Because he never understood that one cannot be a man if afraid
or that one cannot discover if one does not attempt secrets to uncover
or that one cannot improve if one does not move

I once knew a man who read this and became bold

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