Thursday, October 19, 2006

You say you want a good woman

You say you want a good woman
A virgin bride
But a thousand you have humped dry
Numerous hymens lost to you this man

You say you want a good woman
One that allows you to boss her around
Who follows obediently as though a hound
Yet you’re surprised when you get an airhead whose opinion does not count

You say you want a good woman
One who goes to church and prays to God
But you search for her in clubs and pubs
Yet you’re surprised when she thinks God is a job

You say you want a good woman
One who shows you love like no other can
But you barely say you love her
Yet you’re surprised when her love towards you becomes a blur

You say you want a good woman
One who sees past your cool beamer
But you weigh yourself down with useless ice
Yet are surprised she is blind to your heart

You say you want a good woman
One who would not settle for less
But you’re always dishing out trash
And you condemn her while she’s out there cleaning your ash because she’s foolishly in love with your ass

Now if you think you’ve found a woman
That you think is right for you
She should be to you “ko ri ko sun” (I don’t see you or talk to you = I don’t sleep)
And you should be to her “olowo ori mi” (the meaning/wealth of her life)

And of course if you want it to last forever
To be an always and forever
You will have to ask the master builder
To lay the foundations and be your brick layer

For if the corner stone is not well set
The building will not stand the test
And if the Lord does not build
The builders build in vain

So if you want a good woman
One to be your wife
And the mother of your children
Sit up brother and be a good man.

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